Tuesday, October 18, 2011

So It Begins

Being Sunday, in that lazy October air in Southern Louisiana, four gentlemen gathered to commence action concerning a plan that had required considerable collusion and therefore had taken place under the utmost of secrecy. A plan that only ninety some years ago would have put them on a collision course with the law, and of course Carrie Nation. Not to be dismayed, these aforementioned gentlemen assembled with the express intent to craft a better beer from the purest of water drawn from a Talisheek well. Now you say a tailed tuxedo and top hat is no suitable attire to be brewing better beer? Nay! It is the only way for mustachioed and monocled gentleman to approach such an esteemed task!  
Upon completion of a three-tiered brewing stand, having been welded by an artisan in the swamps of Morgan City, at a capacity to brew 10 gallons in an afternoon, the scene is set for a bold journey into the future of home brewing. Kinsmen, brethren, cast off these chains of beer mediocrity and follow us bravely as we strive to go where frankly thousands have gone before, only in a much more interesting and irreverent way! To the Mash Tun!


  1. Fermentation Update-
    In an effort to explore every possibility in fine tuning the taste of our brew, two methods of fermentation are being used on our first brew. The first method takes advantage of the very water drawn from a Talisheek well. The mystic cooling abilities of the water are being used for lower temperature controlled fermentation. After 3 days of fermenting the temperature will be lowered again, to let the yeast slowly do its job which should enhance the orange and coriander spices.
    The second batch will take on a different character. First of all, the cork of the fermentation tank was hand carved to specific parameters known only to those at Talisheek Brewing. In fact, the first cork did not meet our criteria and had to be discarded. The fermenter was then carefully placed in a secret and secluded room in the White Oaks Manor of Talisheek. It is believed that the very ambience of the manor will slowly seep into the brew. As a bonus, the habitants will at times catch wiffs of the pleasants aromas that seem to seep through the doors and walls.
    Time will tell if these efforts will reward us.

    Your Master Fermentator (in training)

  2. Fermentation Update 2
    I made the transfer to the 2nd stage fermnetation bucket. I took extensive measures to maintain a very sterile enviroment to ensure the top quality of the brew. While transferring the brew, I had to check the sg to make sure we were still on the mark, which led to a tasting. The flavors were popping, you could definitely taste the corriander along with the bitterness from the orange peel. I long for the day in which I can pop the top and enjoy this brew while looking at the piney woods in my back yard.

    Your Master Fermentator Assist.

  3. Looking forward to next Sunday for the tasting of Bayou Moon and Coffee Porter.
