Tuesday, December 6, 2011


By way of an update, the ESB is fermenting nicely, and should be on tap soon. At next weeks MKOB meeting, Chad will be presenting Talisheek Sweet Tater' Stout for its inaugural showcase.  I for one cannot wait to try it, I believe this special reserve brew will be one that will pop it's head up again soon. But in the mean time we await the unveiling of the Extra Strong Bitter,  and next weekend we will be tackling an Imperial IPA that will be sure leave a mark on your face buds.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just back from the MKOB meeting with Larry and we presented not only the Sweet Tater Stout, but also the Coffee Porter. Both were well received. The biggest compliment you can receive is to be asked for the recipe, so it was a highlight to be asked. Of course, we got to sample brews from other members. Lots of good ones, especially Gnarly Barley's IPA, Pelican Brewing's Vanilla Porter, and Sal's Imperial Vanilla Stout. Very good night!
